Thursday, December 27, 2007

Just another day~!

5: 30 a.m:
I cut four calls imagining a non-existent alarm, but BB buzzes determinedly.

BB croons: I came over to MM's for a night cap, lets go to the beach and shoot pics.

6:15 a.m.

I am paying 100 bucks, where I would have normally paid 30 to an autowallah. Visibility is near zero at the beach and the gals are shivering.
Moi: sub-zero temperatures at office come in handy.

7:10 a.m.

We are still waiting for the mist to lift and the sun to shine. MM and BB offer silent prayers to the tsunami victims. We click away at the sand sculptures made in their honour......the sculptures look real, this city has some great artists.
I regale them of my adventure to the beach after the tsunami with the tambaram. It was very, very sad and scary.

7.15 a.m.

The sun comes out, fishermen lift their haul and MM and BB are pleased. Oh, their glee makes every useless adventure worth it.

7.30 a.m.

It is blazing hot now. And we are feeling hungry.

Me (still the MU localite): Vadapaav at the roadside?? Soup from that lady?? Sundal??
MM: Woodlands coffee.
BB: Woodlands uppuma.

Me (the 'poor' journo): Lets take a 21G and then a 27D.
MM: Auto.
BB: This auto.

8:00 a.m.

I am digging into a delicious masala dosa. BB and MM are checking out a cute guy in a jeep who looks like a photographer. Their uppumas are cementing by the second.

9:00 a.m.

Back home there is a strange calm. Well, it generally follows a storm.
Mad (sis): Dad cant find his papers. The client has an appeal at the court today and we cant reach the junior.

9:55 a.m.

The papers are made and printed. Thank God none of us chose to take over his lucrative legal practice. We would have been crucified by now. I hope brother dear follows our excellent example.

I dive into my wardrobe and locate one set of clothes that doesnt need ironing. God bless my mum for buying me synthetic clothes that I so hate and refuse to wear.

10:15 a.m.

I am multi-tasking breakfast, newspapers (shucks, that is homework) and making coffee for sis.
Where is my dupatta???

Grandmum: I just put it into the washing machine! It wasnt washed, was it??
Well, I was just trying to save some water (read: no maid at home) by wearing stale dupattas.

10:30 a.m.

Driver takes off in Schumacher shtyle when uncle's client turns up with 12 biscuit packets (buttering up the lawyer literally). Hey listen, it was sis and I who saved your appeal today!!
Anyways, now I have to catch a bus. Damn!

11:05 a.m.

I land in office, mismatched, breathless and yeah late for a production day.
But its just another day.


Romila said...

You seem to have quite a no. of members in your family. How nice! Miss my maternal home reading your post.

Anyway, Happy New Year ahead.

Solitaire said...

Very interesting day!!!

Ladybird said...

Yeah, synthetic clothes can save the day at times - like today, a rainy day, or when the ironing guy goes missing. I hate them too but been dependent on them more these days!

Romila said...

Hey! Where did you get lost? No new posts. Is everything allright?

Romila said...

Hey! You are tagged. Go to my new posts and pick it up from there. Hope you'll enjoty doing it.