Wednesday, December 05, 2007

pain is beauty, beauty is pain

"no pain..... no gain," intoned the wisp of a girl at the beauty parlour. she nonchalantly plucked away at the jungles on my forehead as I sought escape. back home.....I am red, mum is glad and lil' bro is sad (sans my whiskers, I no longer resemble him).

rueing over my still-throbbing temples, I cant help realising that beauty and torture seem to be ancient friends. history stands proof:
chinese feet binding methods that broke the arch of the woman's heel,
the tamil 'tondais' that dragged a woman's ear lobes until her neck;
tattoos and scars for good luck and the painful piercing of lips, tongues and ear-lobes.

while most are testimony to specific rites of passage and cultural pride.....I cant help realise that such twisted ideas were invariably used against women. Chinese nobles who insisted that broken heels resembled lotus flowers were after all jealous and wanted their women to stay put; while scorching marks burnt a forced identity on many a tribal woman.

It isn't any easier for the millennium woman who is expected to create the same mirage with pointed heels and long earrings. Look at this: an aromatic facial will mean that you can't take an auto for the rest of the week. But that should fit well into one's work-out regime.

For cosmetics that promise flawless skin in sooty metros, waxes, pedicures and manicures.....banks will have to offer personal loans. And does any insurer realise how life threatening a pointed heel is on broken pavements?!

any feministic sisters out there?!
romila :(


Romila said...

What about the corset underlined with fish(whale, precisely)bones that permanently shrinks a french woman's waist in earlier eras?

the other romila said...

yeah....I thought of that as well.
but I couldnt find a modern day equivalent to it.
and glad to see you back!