Friday, February 29, 2008

A whole new meaning~!

I was at the Pudiyador, Vannandurai centre last sunday. Wow!!
The place looks fabulous. For someone who saw it on the first day it opened up - an unused corporation building freshly cleaned of years-old-grime, musty and plain - it looked remarkably well-loved, full of life and bursting with energy.
Charts on the wall monitor every child's individual performance in academics and extra-curricular activities. Library and store-room duties are assigned to kids who maintain them diligently. And the decibel levels were ear-splitting as volunteers from Ivolunteer were just wrapping up the sunday's events and games. Pudiyador, Vannandurai is at home and is second-home to most of the kids now.
I still remember how I freaked out when I had to manage a film screening for the kids on the day Pudiyador Vannandurai started. After that I have gone there only occasionally, though every time I meet someone who could help us, I promptly do a PR, puppeteers, teachers, funders, potential volunteers.
It is nothing compared to the ground work that Pudiyador volunteers (balaji and co) do at the various centres or what the core committee does when organising funds, exhibitions, and programmes. But I am really glad that however fleeting and insignificant, I do my bit. But it is humbling when I see how much mekie and and the rest of the gang (manix, divs, swaps) does, even from as far as Ann Arbor.
If you'll have any good books for children, in tamil and english - on science particularly - do send them to Pudiyador, Vannandurai, Adayar, Chennai - 40. Alternately, if you know me, you could drop it with me. And if you have a story to tell or time to help someone with their homework, do let us know.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We are seriously endangered announces a friend in advertising. The Republic of Letters is shrinking. His search for copywriters - good, bad and passable recently drew a blank. Even my howlers, unarguably successful most of the times, didnt help.

Worse is the fact that there is hardly any fresh blood in sight. I can vouch for this, after a year of college-teaching and handling five different classes in a School of Media Studies, I cannot recall more than three kids, who I think were into copywriting. Sadly, one of them has already opted against it.

But to their credit, my pal Prakash and his CD Anantha are not just "moanies". They are taking stock of the fast-depleting wordsmiths and aspiring ones as well. Hop on this link and register if you are one. You could also report on this link if you sight one such rare species. Distinguishing details are a must.

And I cant help but rave about my copywriting experience here....hey, its my blog!!
I had some great months in advertising in three different agencies. Ogilvy was the best, I was a trainee and had some serious fun. My work guide, Deepak Deans, insisted that I build my portfolio and with some great help I managed three print ad series apart from some work on Hutch, Jeevan Blood Bank and TN Tourism.

The best I liked about copywriting was that one could stare blankly at space, chew nails, read Calvin and Hobbes unabashedly, sip tea in the canteen and walk down the street all in the pretext of WORKING. Creative license et al. When it was deadline time, it was different altogether, but I dont want to scare people away.

Advertising is serious challenging, decently paid (when compared to obscene MBA salaries) and creatively rewarding. There was nothing like seeing one of my ads in print. But then the journalism bug bit me later at express and I am finding my way through the 5Ws and 1H. But I am glad that I am still with the Republic of Letters and Pendangered~!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nobody gifts me quite like I do or perhaps mekie~!

Everytime someone in the family or a friend celebrates a birthday I get stuck with the question of what to gift....When my dad turned 50 two years back, I wrote him out a very special card as he doesnt care much for stuff. And last year when my aunt turned 50, we got her 50 things with a small thought attached to each.

For my mum and grandmum it has to be traditional jewellery or clothing but its quite a challenge to think of something new for my grandfather, who has an opinion about everything. But he is totally pleased when we get an eggless cake for him to cut at 12!! Little bro is easy to please: games, pop music, and throw in an occasional jacket or t-shirt; but I am still making my sister's bday gift - its an album of her 25 years and how I generally upset her scheme of things by entering it two years later.

My friends on the other hand being very polite creatures are very easy to please. But this time, it is my uncle whose bday is looming and I am quite lost. This man doesnt keep anything for himself, he has to donate anything new to his juniors. I thought an Mp3 player would be good as he travels a great deal and rarely watches television, but I am scared that when he has to placate a young junior after berating him about work, he will promptly hand it off.

On the other hand, I have noticed that people seldom get me the right gifts....sigh! I wont complain my dad's gifts of encyclopaedias and quiz books; my aunt and sis too occasionally pick up the sort of clothes that I like. But mum and me like stuff that are on either ends of a spectrum. As my principal supplier of goods, I really wish we saw eye-to-eye. My grandparents knowing me, play it very safe - money, which is unfortunately spent on mobile recharges or autos before I find the right stuff.

Then there is mekie....I dunno if I have got her anything very special but she most certainly has got me some of my best gifts. Once for my bday, it was set of story books from our local used-books salesman. They were gorgeous: Rebecca, Alistair Maclean and some travel and detective writing. The musty smell and fraying book covers just added to the entire reading experience.

I read Rebecca sitting in bangalore at a cousin's wedding. Remember how G.K. Chesterton describes a book and library experience by blue bottles and silverfish?! It was something like that, I absolutely loved it and still treasure all those books.

Then last year, I got a purposely late, brilliant bday gift....Harry Potter-7. My very own, original hardback HP~!! Opening the parcel and running my hand down its spine humbled all the "roadside" copies of HP that I own. She in fact asked me to read it instead of talking to her when we met after a year!! hee, hee.....well, its good to know that someone understands all your idiosyncrasies.

Then there is vini who once simply pulled me to shop my own gift after setting me a budget and later even generously expanded it. We drove t-nagar salesmen mad before I found the right white material for a patiala salwar!

I on my part simply got vini some stick-on stars to add to her newly-painted bedroom. She claims to love it. For meki, its more like whatever I see and think might look nice on her I get. She dutifully puts them on or on her wall and sends me a picture of it.

Lets see if my uncle keeps his Mp3....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Chicken soup for the single gal~!

Dick Cheney has a pacemaker, while Paul Theroux was talking to us after travelling across half the globe in trains and tuk-tuk's. Both were in grad school at the same time.
After making such a strong case, could anyone be unconvinced that the average travel writer has more health, morale and fun than most people?! Well, there is always the diplomat who is paid for visiting places and talking with people. But then, luck is fickle!
An evening with Theroux and two great book lovers, also colleagues, was quite like chicken soup for the single gal who is facing the maternal whiplash for having attended too many friends' weddings but refusing to have one of her own in the very-near future.
Theroux the gentleman helped by being completely charming.....he had looked up all the Medford-Madras connects and took us through many including our Ice House, which stored ice from places such as Theroux's hometown of Medford, since the 1830s. Globalisation a la two frozen atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen!
How does it feel not to be recognised with awards?
Theroux the artful dodger: Oh, governments dont like their writers, they always like second-hand writers. And Nobel Prize is more like the Swedish lottery.
So Sir. Vidia Naipaul, your mentor, was one?
There are always exceptions and he is a great writer.
Theroux on writing tips to nubile writers:
Read a lot, leave home, travel, love people and find someone other than your parents who would encourage your writing. And most importantly, never refuse an opportunity to write anything. Book review? Yes. Op-ed? Yes. Blurb? Yes.
Any thumbrules?
Write what you believe and feel strongly about.
Is writing a tough job?
It is a picnic when compared to picking prickly pineapples.
What do you want to write about?
Someday about the British, the way they write about the rest of the world.
On the whole, Theroux was trying to cover up for his relationship-gone-sour with Naipaul and refusing to be rude to anyone. He after all was now a grown man and not the punk who helped a political opponet of Hastings Banda escape to Uganda.
But when the city's social do's coincide with your lean week shift, its delightful, particularly with brownies being served. The city's US consulate sure knows how to draw a crowd.
A former colleague now with them gave J (book lover 1) a painstaking introduction with Theroux. But J simply kept her lips glued. When asked later as to why, she of all, was so tongue tied, she simply said...."he doesnt suffer fools~!"

P.S: I caught an old pal, now with IE, who was getting back home after reporting....I mean what about filing copies and all that? Oh...I can do that from home, she says. The new world of cyber journalism beckons.

Summer of 2008~!

Its summer again.....the mango tree outside our office canteen is in full bloom and today I saw small little mangoes announcing their season.
I love summers, despite the sweltering heat and sweat. The warm colours of long evenings, the tender coconuts at bus stops, cucumber and watermelon salads sold on the suburban train, and people finally waking up to make sure that their taps dont leak. After all, fighting with neighbours over a few buckets of water is not far behind. I am particulary glad that we will see less of mosquitoes, they have been dotting the city's sky like dust for the past few months.
Summer once meant going to the beach with my grandfather, playing from dawn to dusk at my maternal grandmother's home and the delightful knowledge that no one could ask me to put down my story book for anything else. Later it was bright internships with friends, where work was for fun's sake.
I wonder how this summer will be, last year wasnt bad....I made new friends~!!

Tagore in A Moment's Indulgence:
"Today the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs; and
the bees are plying their minstrels at the court of the flowering grove.
Now it is time to sit quite, face to face with thee, and to sing
dedication of life in this silent and overflowing leisure."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

the big fat Indian wedding

I have lost count of the number of weddings I have attended this year. And mind you, there are still 10 months more to it!!
My picasa album is filled with wedding pics and my inbox (postal invites to my residence are banned as they put my mum on a hyperventilating mode) receives an average atleast two wedding invites every week......classmates, juniors, seniors, all racing madly to the altar.
And my classmates (guys) are coyly (if that adjective can be applied to them) announcing that their wives are pregnant! Listen, I am all happy for you people, just as long as you'll dont pop that "when is yours" question on us or worse still launch into the "get married soon" advice mode.
What's up folks?? Is it the economic boom?? Will a recession encourage people to stay single for some more time as Amit Varma says?!
In the meanwhile, I have decided to invest in atleast one or twodecent wedding outfits. Actually my friends have threatened me into it. They dont want me in my faded cottons ruining an otherwise classy wedding pic!
But if you are a close friend of the bride, there is actually little choice, you cant wear anything but a saree, its something like, "I as the bride have to wear one and you have to share my misery".
While I am mooning over where to shop and my budget and juggle mehendis' and sangeets, there are a few other things that caught my attention......for one, most of the weddings were "love marraiges"! hurrah people! And for those who took the "arrangement of love" route, more hurrahs!! It sure takes more commitment and from the looks of it, it sounds like even more fun. After all, you can flirt and "kuchi-koo", as parents and folks smilingly indulge you'll.
I am very glad for my friends, for having found love and a companion for life ahead....wishes for a glorious walk into the sunset!
One important trend is the growing number of parents who have relented to "love matches".....there have sure been quite a few anti-climaxes here. I must say I am disappointed with my friends' parents for being so soft. I feel sorely cheated of my moment of feeling any tangible difference.
Of what use were all the long chats and clandestine sessions on the terrace, where I suggested strategies and arguments to my friends who wanted to persuade their parents of the love match. Of what use where those painstaking cover-ups and phone calls to convince friends' mums blessed-with ESPs that I was meeting their daughters on besant nagar beach, while I was watching an old film on the tv??
I am seeing my maternal grandfather with new-found respect. He locked away my aunt when she said she wanted to marry someone outside the "community". They also say that he used a bit of force on her before finally giving in. How vindicated her friends must have felt?!
And finally, the trend of socially-approved live-ins and flirting and romancing all over the city and cyberspace. All you have to do is get a simple engagement ring and folks are happy to look the other way. The one-year engagement is really in vogue, some are even lucky to have the two-year ones. Man, how much lucky can one get?!
As I am struggling to schedule a particular sunday, which will see one friend and one junior tying the knot and another old classmate's engagement, I call out to meki, lavy, divs,vini and fellow oarswomen on the seriously endangered single-gal raft.
Dont bailout in a hurry, okay?!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

the tag bug~!

Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. Name Three Most Valuable Assets?
My very own mind, my family and my friends.

2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
Lets go and play frisbee!!

3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?

romila (rustic notes) - for we would end up talking of everything from falling leaves to carbon emissions and will forget that we have to return.

ladybird (mary has two little lambs) - for company to chat and doze. we would read and doze with amazing regularity and never get tired of it.

mekhala (into madness) - for meki and I will walk in circles and never find our way back but we will never grow weary of a new hunt or an adventure.

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
I want to go to a calm and deep, green forest....stand in a fresh, clear waterfall and look up at the stars in the night inhaling some deeply fragrant trees.

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Oh there are so many: I will want a less polluted, cleaner city with its usual charm and grace. I want to get back to my dance and be part of a synchronised group performance. I want to be 5 again and ride with my dad on his scooter inside MCC campus, talking to big sis of deers and lions ofcourse~!

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Childlike curiosity, which I guess I already have lost.

7. What would you do if you found a briefcase full of money?
give it to my mom.

8.If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I guess I would, but would I meet?!

9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you...
my namesake is sensitive and amicable, can make anyone feel at home and takes a liberal view of most things. I think I would grow up to be like her in a few years. Hopefully!

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
As of now, I dont know.....but I guess someone who would be calm and down to earth, particulary when I hyperventilate, which is quite often.

11. What is your ambition?
I want to live in a clean and green place and do something towards the environment. I want to dance and read books and tell a dragon fly apart from a butterfly. I would like to write on all that affects me and laugh at a good joke with friends and folks.

12. What is the thing that will make you think someone is a bad person?
Insensitivity to another (human, animal or insect).

13. Revealing one thing about me.....
An idealist, a dreamer, someone who never wants to grow up and take responsibility. And someone who can be very stubbborn and enjoy clashes with my mum~!

14. Christmas is coming, who do you like to celebrate with?
Family, with children and feel the christmassy spirit and tingling joy~!

15. If you could do one thing different in life, what would it be?
Redo my masters, explore a few things of my own....without the apron strings tugging about.

16. Are you a shopaholic or no?
I dont know......I hate clutter and too many things. When I buy stuff, I am dead slow and I want them to last forever. I have loved seeing many things at shops and might also want them, but on a closer look, I get scared that its frivolous and run back.

17. What is your stress buster?
My favourite songs and going up on the terrace.

18. What should be done to people who make such long tags?
I like the loop, it makes me all warm and fuzzy. But it could be crisper. So best is to make the person do this twice~!!

19. What are the 2 skills you wish you had or would like to learn?
Cooking and swimming.

20. Name one favorite song of yours.
as of now - "bhavra mann"

Passing it on to:
Romila: Thanks, it feels nice to be back and read all your posts.
Ladybird: Hey.....wassup man?!
Mekhala: Machan, do this thing okay!

P.S: I havent changed any question and have given multiple answers to many. But I honestly couldnt think of a new question.