Monday, November 19, 2007

Pakistani Posts

With emergency comes a spirit of awakening and creative outlets find their way despite all checks. Pakistani blogs such as martial law and fast rising stand witness. With GEO and ARY shut down, these bloggers truly Pak's reporters sans frontiers.

Run by student groups from the some of the prestigious B-schools and univs, they illustrate that no matter what class or lifestyle you belong too, undemocratic ways strike a dischordant chord with the human spirit.

Names such as 'Emergency Times' are really they give practical tips and on-the- ground-insights of recent happenings. Their posts range from a list of to-do's in case of tear-gassing: carrying wet cloth and salt to wearing running shoes; to a catalogue of their inspiring uprise: mass protests, candle-light vigils, documentary and film screenings. They have their preamble and an apt tag-line - "please photocopy and distribute".

Their spirit and courage rubs off on not-so-far-away readers such as myself too. Imagine what impact it must be making back home?! But how long will it be before Mush cracks down on it as well?? Will these bloggers be harassed and imprisioned as human rights bloggers and activists are in China?? Will they try enforcing a forcible ban as they tried once here in India?? Will google share user-info as it does in China??

Are there any blog movements and activist expressions here to support their movement??
lemme know!

On a lighter note:

Another Paki case that illustrates that no matter what, we will still express ourselves is truly exemplified in this story.

Here is a man who sensibly makes his cafe's menu a political science class. Civil Junction, Arshed's Islamabad cafe, provides food for thought literally.

The menu here includes items like: Musharaf Guespresso - Not old; anybody's guess! Seasoned & intensely mature! Khaki, softly firm, brewed under high pressure of discipline. It's base is very, very strong and the real kick is in the aftertaste! Served with handpicked cookies.

Others include - Civil Military Mix aka dudh soda - A Pakistani household offering of sorts! Meek and mild civil milk is mixed with uniformed but effervescent soda.

Surely, some great spirit of this sort, sprinkled with thoughtful humour a la Arshed style and concerted action should see Pak through this emergency. I have heard thats how we tided over ours, but I wasnt around then.
romila ;)

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