Monday, November 12, 2007

blog buzz

Post some rave reviews and a colleague's recommendation I read the compulsive confessor....boy, and am I hooked?! It was quite like Advaita Kala's "almost single" and I loved that as well for its wacky sense of humour and detailing. A devil-may-care attitude and liberal peppering of humour makes the compulsive confessor quite un-navigatable.

A link from hers lead me to sakshi juneja's blog and that was quite a good read too. If Sakshi is current with its and bits of news and humour, the Confessor is clairvoyant, legilimency and pscyhology her strengths, not to forget some great language! Also both single women share their experiences of the M-word, now that's something most girls our age can totally relate to.

I am also quite envious of the time and love these two seem to shower on their blogs.....posts after parties at 4, in drunken stupor, in between filing copies and attending weddings, after a break-up, between a book, from work, party and play!!! Not to forget the personalised design part! A world revolving around a blog!

In comparative pity I look back at my own little journal. Less said the better. While I really am inspired to dust off my 'little miss sunshine" shoes and rip apart cultural acts and hypocrisies.....I am yet to manage the spirit. I think it is the taurean streak running strong in me. I want to meditate on daisies and doilies.

Other must reads (to whom I am quite loyal) for me each day are rustic notes and mary has two little lambs, both are real delights. Their little nuggets about life and love, children and cheer, maids and monsoons are quite heart warming. Their creative and continuous work too is light years away from my reach in the wide blogging galaxy.

the teeny, weeny, huge couch potato!
romie ;)


Romila said...

Thank you!I am going to these reference links when free. BTW, I think you do a good job at blogging your own stuffs.

Ladybird said...

THanks from me too. That's an ego booster. Blogging seems to be a sub's way of writing something, instead of just nitpicking others' copies. :)
I must remember to catch u in May for a bday treat.