Wednesday, October 24, 2007

friends for life

A something written for cheryl and also adapted for shalu....
dear, old, priceless friends with whom I am sadly out of touch.

I may not always tell you,
But always think of you.

A swear – imagine Cheryl's face;
Cheryl-ism, thingy, thought, colour, style…
easy disposition, personal touch in every move.

So much to share: writer-isms, office fundas,
blackmailing aunts; colourful gossip, dreams, news, a song;
rhymes, stories, histories; the many layers of everyday life.

So much to tell, so little time.
Mea culpa! Not a fault so sublime.

Excuses, I have none; not work, not french;
not news changing by nanoseconds;
not the many roles or the many worlds.

Old sayings, dad's words, world truths;
bitten off more than one can chew;
greed-driven ambition, distant dreams.

I can burn fingers even strain liagaments;
but not let dreams fade untried.
rest without doing my best.

When I do what I have to,
I always think of you even if I don't tell you.
and know that you are there too.

lotsa love,
romie ;)

1 comment:

Romila said...

Good one! I am also in a similar situation esp. with my best buddy of college days. Think of her many a times, but communication is way behind. Feel v guilty at times. Maybe I can borrow your lines someday and send her a long mail:)