Friday, September 14, 2007

The blog bug and the namesake

Seems like I have already run out of topics.....blogging about blogging!!
Even with a few paltry blogs forwarded amok, I am now announcing myself a blogger.

There was this one blog 'reckless ink' now 'rustic notes'.
I share my name with the author and I have been reading it since college days.

On my recommendation, my colleague and a great mum-blogger read it as well.
Mum blogs are kinda nice, reminding me of my childhood with sis, bro and cousins.

I left a note on rustic notes but was still confused when I received a reply, guess I need some time to adjust to another romila.

Its actually nice in an odd way to know someone by your name......does she have the same pet name, was she named so for the same reason? how do her friends call her? how does she sign her name?

But, I am someone who hastily discarded all those orkut invites of other romilas. But having read reckless ink/rustic notes for a while, I am comfortable with this blogger.

In fact one post that really warmed me up to her was how she tackled errant aunts who pointed at her and kept saying to her "you next, you next" at weddings. Romila in turn would similarly jab them at funerals and say "you next"!

Pure genius!! I am waiting for my turn to try that out. ;)

As a south-Indian, I never met someone who shared my name, atleast on the face.
Named after Romila Thapar, legendary historian who taught and inspired my dad, I have always looked out for people with a similar name, to simply ask them what it meant.

Several sanskrit scholars have given me different meanings, yet I am to find a close-enough root beyond raomila (godess of love), roma (curls/Lakshmi) and ila (earth). I never got to meet a Punjabi scholar though.

I hope this blog pal can tell me the story of her name,
romila ;)


Romila said...

Hey! Romila,

What a coincidence! Apart from the namesake, I too share the same Romila-name-source with you. My dad was too taken away with Romila Thapar at a seminar spearheaded by her that she just had to call me Romila after her. Maybe our collective dad's have some kinda similarity in the mental platitude. What do you say? Don't know the exact meaning of our:)name but while browsing the net I did came across "Romila means Grace" sometime back. BTW, Thanks a lot for the whole lot of nice things you said about me. I am on seventh heaven:)

Romila said...

Hey! BTW, my friends calls me Romila, Rom, Romi(very common), Roms(by my best friend), Room_ila(by my naughty colleagues-in Kannada meaning "No Room").
The pronounciations ranges from Rom_mila to Romla to Romilla to Rumali(very often mistaken for):)

Ladybird said...

It is good to have a unique name.
I thought mine was different until i went to a school wehre there was this boy with the same name and it used to get a bit awkward when the teacher called out and the wrong person wld get up.
I also had a senior in college with the same name save for the Mary in the middle.